1人目 と 2人目 | viktw2 | sa.yona.la ヘルプ | タグ一覧 | アカウント登録 | ログイン

1人目 と 2人目

1人目: Florencio Ávalosさん(手前)とピニェラ大統領が抱き合う。右に7歳の息子バイロン君と妻モニカさん 2人目: Mario Sepúlvedaさん。右端に妻エルヴィラさん
救出の様子を描いた絵。上に自分の名前 Bairon avalos araya

大統領に地底土産の岩、ひょうきん者マリオさん : 国際 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)

むせび泣く人と勝手に盛り上がる人w 一時は絶望に追いやられた700mの奈落。よくぞ耐え抜きました。





The anxiety that had accompanied the final days of preparation melted away at 12:11 a.m. when the stoutest of the 33 miners, Florencio Avalos, 31, emerged from the missile-like rescue capsule smiling broadly after his half-mile journey to the surface.
In a din of cheers, he hugged his sobbing 7-year-old son and wife and then President Sebastian Pinera, who has been deeply involved in an effort that had become a matter of national pride.
The most ebullient of the bunch came out second, an hour later. Mario Sepulveda, 40, hugged his wife, Elvira, and then jubilantly handed souvenir rocks from his underground prison to laughing rescuers.
"I'm so happy!" Sepulveda yelled, grinning, punching his fist in the air and hugging everyone in sight. Sepulveda later said he had spent the last 10 weeks "between God and the devil."
"They fought, God won," he added.

'I'm so happy!' 11 Chile miners gain freedom - World news - Americas - msnbc.com

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